Asia OSH Map: Strengthening Workplace Safety and Health Across Asia
ANROEV partners from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines have provided resources to upload to the Asia OSH Map.

A total of 52 OSH accidents were recorded in South Asia and Southeast Asia, with each region accounting for 26 cases during September and October 2024. Those incidents caused 110 workers to die, and 117 workers were affected with injuries.

Here are the cases recorded on the Map in the last 2 months:
- 15 cases from Indonesia
- 10 cases from Bangladesh,
- 10 cases from India,
- 7 cases from The Philippines,
- 4 cases from Maldives,
- 3 cases from Thailand, and
- 1 case each from Cambodia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

In the past two months, the manufacturing industries have had the highest number of occupational accident cases, with 20 documented incidents, resulting in 27 deaths and 57 workers being injured. The top three causes of the 20 workplace accidents are ‘Fire/Explosion,’ which accounts for 6 cases; ‘Crashes or being struck by equipment/machines,’ which accounts for 4 cases; and ‘Exposure to harmful substances or environments,’ which accounts for 3 cases, among others.
The three main causes mentioned above are all related to manufacturing workplace safety. In the manufacturing industries, workers rely on industrial equipment to assist in their tasks, and employers must pay greater attention to workplace safety.

The second-highest number of industries is service industry, which recorded 11 incidents, resulting in 14 deaths and 18 workers being injured. The causes of occupational accidents in the service industry are more diverse compared to the manufacturing industry.

Construction on the third, total of 7 cases, resulting in 19 deaths and 11 injured. Two main causes in construction, are “slips, trips, and falls”, and “Crashes or stuck by equipment/machines” each accounting for 3 cases. Construction workers often work at heights and also use equipment to assist with their tasks. Employers have the responsibility to ensure safety in high-altitude work and make sure that equipment is sufficient.

Some observations of these 2 months, 4 cases of electrocutions that happened in Bangladesh. In 2 of 4 cases, 2 workers died because of thunderstorms. The environmental impacts brought about by global climate change may deeply affect the occupational safety of workers.

Asia OSH Map is designed to provide an interactive platform for documenting occupational diseases and injuries across Asia using a Google Form. The analysis of OSH accidents highlights the need for significant improvements in workplace safety across Asia. By addressing common causes and offering recommendations, we can decrease accidents and improve worker safety and well-being.
We welcome you to report cases in your regions or networks to us by accessing this link: or through scanning the QR code in the photo below.