environmental health and safety

Asia OSH Map: Strengthening Workplace Safety and Health Across Asia

November 25, 2024

ANROEV partners from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines have provided resources to upload to the Asia OSH Map. A total of 52 OSH accidents were recorded in South Asia and Southeast Asia, with each region accounting for 26 cases during September and October 2024. Those incidents caused 110 workers to die, and 117 workers were affected with injuries.

Video: Suffocation

April 6, 2024

“Suffocation” is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the devastating aftermath of the 2020 LG Polymers Gas Leak Disaster. It unveils the findings of the comprehensive survey conducted by the Asian Citizen’s Center for Environment and Health (ACCEH) and the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims in 2023, revealing the […]

ANROEV Solidarity Letter to Nong Phawa Community

April 2, 2024

ANROEV stands firmly with your demands for comprehensive environmental restoration efforts, ongoing pollution monitoring, site reclamation, compensation, rehabilitation, and remediation measures. While the court’s decision to award compensation is a step forward, it must be followed by concrete actions to restore the affected areas and support the affected families in rebuilding their communities and livelihoods.